
This is the official website of the European Coordination for the “Journey for Life”, in which a large Zapatista delegation will travel to the other Europe with the objective of supporting/meeting with the struggles below and to the left. This trip is being coordinated by many collectives and people all over Europe and Mexico. LOTS!

We have created this web page to disseminate the EZLN’s communiqués, to communicate about the preparations for this trip, the calls from different geographies, etc… the progress we are making and the appeals to which we will ask for support. It also aims to be a platform where you can propose, join or collaborate with this trip.

Comrades come to meet us, support and accompany us in our territories to give a boost to the struggles below and to the left. First in Europe, then in the whole world.

Pay attention, and you will be able to hear how the ground is shaking under your feet.

EZLN: «Our mission: to be a seed that seeks other seeds”


DIY or Die – Freedom News · 9 de March de 2022 at 09:00

[…] Over the last few months, particularly in response to the European leg of the Zapatistas’ ”Journey for Life” tour, a few like-minded individuals and groups across the north have been coming together to […]

DIY or Die – Zapatista Solidarity Network · 23 de June de 2022 at 10:32

[…] Over the last few months, particularly in response to the European leg of the Zapatistas’ ”Journey for Life” tour, a few like-minded individuals and groups across the north have been coming together to […]